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Judy Carter and my fall from grace

Writer's picture: barbaramay1barbaramay1

Barbara May and Judy Carter at the 2016 CAPS Conventio
Barbara May and Judy Carter at the 2016 CAPS Convention

It was -20 outside when I met Judy Carter at the 2016 CAPS convention in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

I was a huge fan. Her first two books, Stand-up Comedy the Book and The Comedy Bible were permanent fixtures on my night stand when I was learning how to perform stand-up comedy.

So when she was writing her new book, The Message of You, and posted a message online asking for speakers to share their stories, I jumped at the chance.

Here's what she wrote about me in Chapter 3: Turn Your Mess into a Message:

Journeys don't have to be dramatic. Your fall from grace can be just five feet.

Speaker Barbara May talks to companies about how to improve performance. Her Heart Story is about falling off the balance beam during her first gymnastics competition. She really pumps up the humor and humiliation of falling off, not once, but five times.

She explains, "My coach encouraged my to get back up and a a result I learned the importance of getting back up after a fall. This is an important message that applies to the business world. Let's face it everyone makes mistakes and the important thing is to get back up."

Now, this was my chance to meet Judy in person. And I wanted to make a good impression by taking her out for lunch.

Unfortunately, it was -30 with the wind chill. And it didn't occur to me to change our plans and eat at the hotel because I wanted to show her around Edmonton.

Fortunately, she was a good sport.

"Does this help burn fat?" Judy asked as she braved the -30 degree weather. "I heard when it's cold it burns fat," she joked. "By the time I get to the car I'm going to be so thin."

Let's face it. Everyone makes mistakes and the important thing is to get back up.

"Thank you for teaching me how to pump up the humour in my presentations," I said. We were waiting for the windows in my van to defrost.

"You're welcome," Judy replied. "Now, please... pump up the heat."



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